Vision for a better Asia sets to provide a voice for Asian who cares about the future to make positive changes. The blog received contributions from Soon Loo on Courage, Paul McNamara on Islamic Finance and Tasha Ong on The Gift of Looking Inwards. I recorded my brush with an unlikely giant, Veronica Colondam, and Dorjee Sun, Time's environment hero of the year. I hope to interview more linchpins like Izan Zein. Please also check out Philosophy of More or Less.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Interviewing the interviewer
My Facebook exchange with the Oprah of Brunei; Izan Zein
When you speak, Brunei's young & old listen. A great call of responsibility to ensure the messages you deliver are positive and (politically) correct. On the contrary, it is exactly the kind of forwardness and lack of regard for the rule book that brings you to fame (and trouble). Explain to me this irony.
It is a HUGE responsibility being on the radio yet at the same time one must be able to balance their own personality of who they REALLY are as opposed to a person people idolize or look up to. I believe everyone loves a tyrant however they also love to hear the truth even though (the truth) it hurts. The message needs to be crafted in such a way that people can relate to.
I do it the best way I can and that is by being myself; I don’t TRY hard at all to please anyone and most importantly I am not fake. But this is the feeling I get and I try my best to sustain it and balance it out without crossing the line. Hard to explain yet hopefully you catch my drift! It is like when you give an artist a canvas, he can’t control the way he strokes his final touch or explain it. It is just there. His (the artist’s) creativity and soul take over, when that happens!
Sounds like a very pleasurable job and much like a chore at the same time. Double edged sword, Izan?
Nope not double edged at all! In fact it is more of a challenge. It is how one chooses to) view it. It is a huge responsibility like any job you pursue, there is a call for being judicious. I carefully balance what is on the line with what I intend to put across. As I said I view myself as a voice and not someone who complains all the time, instead I do something about it. Therefore, I am in a position to make a change and therefore I do so the best way I know how. In actual fact, if it was a chore, would I have sounded so happy and relaxed on air? Doubt it!
Why the funky hair do? What do you say to the parents who show you the picture of their kids getting into trouble at school, trying to look just like you?
I am who I am and the hair is just me. I love art, so I love expressing myself through it.
I (actually) gave a talk at St Andrews School about this same issue! People have choices, and if parents see me as a bad example that is for them to decide... I do not and I always say this, I do not define my moments and my day as well as my thoughts on how people perceive me , this is part and parcel of who I am.
Take me as a whole. Am I doing what their kids are doing? I doubt it. It is just an image, an expression, a culture. I have the core values of someone who is very disciplined. I don’t smoke, lie, or do drugs, steal neither do I drink.
You seem to define yourself by what you don’t do on the above sentence. What you do tells as much about who you are as what you don’t, Izan. Tell our audience about your active contribution to the AIDs society of Brunei and other NGOs.
I don’t highlight that as it is not asked. Why divulge information that isn’t asked? Plus I do everything privately. Like I said, I am PRIVATE person despite what people seem to think.
More on your hair. The very down to earth and philosophical messages you convey on air wave does not match the street kid image you project. Could this be what psychologist regards as a split personality complex?
I believe everyone has different isn’t a split personality or persona for me as I said earlier on its a look, its fashion, its art to me ...and image does not define a person but the word does. Thus never judge a book by its cover. Instead indulge in its content and you may be pleasantly surprised!
My hair is a look, it is my look and it is who I chose to be because I am by heart and soul an artist. I live and breathe art, thus i say I am a walking canvas.
So over all it’s an image ...repeat: an image. A look does not define a person, neither does a job.
Objectively speaking, your forthrightness on the air wave has, to a certain extend contributed to a silent revolution in giving a voice to the women in Brunei. Do you see yourself as a good representation of the next generation of Bruneian women? Namely: bold, confident, socially and internationally aware.
Hmmm...I don’t see myself as a role model and no I don’t perceive myself as that. It is too hard a job and too much of an expectation. Besides, it is strange how I can relate to the ordinary person, but to the upper class I’m like a forbidden fruit...
On the topic of influencing a silent revolution:
I hear you, but I dare not say I agree. [But silently, I do.] You either hate me or love me, either way I do make a point. I want to make a change thus I become the change I want to see. I begin (the change) with myself first and see whether I can lead along the way, instead of being a bystander and a follower, I choose to make a difference with my abilities.
[I think you may have misinterpreted me on your answer above – I’m not saying you being a role model, but a representation of the next generation of women’s culture in Brunei]
This is a huge responsibility to highlight someone as a representation (for the general mass), thus I choose to refrain from that and say no, I am not (a representation) but a voice, a voice of impact. I also highly doubt I am a representation of the next generation of women's culture in Brunei. I regard myself as me and someone I can look back in 20 years and have my kids see me and be proud that their mum is someone who broke barriers to be who she is and stood strong just like how my mum is.
You mentioned in a discussion that your programs are largely unscripted. How do you prepare for a spontaneous radio show without having to do too much research and homework on the spoken topic, and make it interesting as you do it day in and out?
I told you this is spontaneous! I guess I’m lucky in that area not to have to do homework on it or stuff. I draw from everyday life and the people around me and learn, and use that as my dialogue.
I use them in the form of stories as I feel stories bond people together. It is like music! People feel they can relate if they find some common ground. Composers and DJs are no different.
What does it take to make a good Radio DJ? I can’t imagine a job that requires you to constantly be updated with the latest music. How does one keep up?
I honestly have no idea! I am not being selfish on this but it’s the truth. All I can say is be who you are and not be afraid to take a chance on yourself.
I keep up with the latest music through the televison, word of mouth, other shows, chart hits ;)
Who is your idol, why?
None spring to mind as they are many different personalities I truly admire. From them, I take pages of their lessons and adapt to my own!
Tell us a story of your most memorable radio show.
I have a lot of memorable shows and they all touch me and stand out. So it is difficult to pinpoint a story. What I can tell u is that every call I receive, every voice that speaks to me on the show, there is a story to tell. And my ears are always open to listen to what they say. I learn a lot from each and every caller and listener. As cliché as it may sound, I am only as good as my listeners and callers.
I am the person I am today because of the chance they gave me to open their hearts and their ears to me. The shows are good because of them ....I’ve said this and i'll say it again: One of my few catch phrases on the show is the station for the people by the people and Brunei, I dare you to be who you wanna be! ;)
My first brush with Izan was two years ago, when my excited father stopped my Ipod (no body messes with my Ipod!) and turned on the radio, to show me the new talk show queen in town. I do not quite remember the content, but the experience was surprisingly pleasant. I was impressed with her command of English, her wit and her outspoken nature [Izan did not dissapoint].
My second brush with Izan was outside of my office, where her outlandish hairdo attracted my attention even from miles away. I did not think much of this street kid who wanted to be different, and did not know she was THE Izan, until later that evening when my wife (who works two doors from me) told me about her new friend.
Secretly inside, I doubted if I could ever be friend with this teenager (I later found out she's no spring chicken neither haha!), regardless of Deon’s enthusiasm about her.
The two Izan I met did not connect until much later when I listened to her talk show on Pilihan, again.
To date, Izan and I have had over two meals, several exchanges over the phone and Facebook. When I’m lucky, I get to catch her on the radio, and indulge in her jokes which are often funny by any measure and I must add, ORIGINAL! I have never heard the word “Tapau” on air before, neither have I listened to a DJ making prank call to a groom on his wedding day!
I have a high regard for Izan.
In a country where modesty in public forum is a virtue, it is the exact contrary that brings her to fame. I get to learn a lot more about Izan, and am able validate some of my thoughts about her behaviors and develop empathy for a beautiful soul that is mostly misunderstood.
Strip away the funky hairdo, Izan and I have much in common. Both self professed artists, both rebellious, both have a tendency to speak before we think.
My personal believe is that Brand Izan, if cultivated carefully, could potentially be the Oprah of Brunei. Then again, it is the continuous accidental, unscripted mischief that makes her who she is today. Perhaps brand Izan should best be left untouched, allowing her own evolution to take its cause.
In your very own word, Izan, “I dare you to be who you wanna be!”
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
by Soon Loo
Courage is a fundamental value that define who we are as a leader, who we are as a person, and who we are as men and women. During my years at the Harvard Business School, we studied power and influence as leadership principles, but for some reason, we left out Courage, which is such an important quality.
We know we still have courage in us:
> When we know there is a voice inside us that need to be heard, we speak out
> When we know no one else would do the job, we do it
> When we know that something needs to be done, we act
True courage shows up when we act in the face of uncertainties and fears. To really shape our land into a better Asia, we need more men and women with real courage. However, the most important question remains: do YOU have the courage?
To say Yes.
To say No.
To say I dont know the answer.
To say We need to work together
To say I care. To say I Love You.
To say I will act.
Director, Indiabulls Property Investment Trust
Adjunct Faculty, Singapore Management University
Leader in Islamic Finance!
By Paul McNamara
Asia should be the leader in Islamic finance
Islamic finance has taken off in two main regions across the globe – in the Gulf countries of the Middle East and in Malaysia. Brunei has been a game contender and has launched a number of interesting initiatives in this area – but could do even more.
The truth is that Malaysia has been rather disappointing in trying to internationalise the Islamic finance industry – preferring to focus on the domestic market and issue only ringgit denominated instruments like Sukuk.
Here is where the rest of Asia can step in a do a much better job than Malaysia.
Singapore, for instance, is more of a financial centre than KL will ever be – and has a government that is prepared to back Islamic finance to the hilt.
Then there is Indonesia – that has battled through changing its capital markets legislation to make itself Shariah compliant.
And of course Pakistan which is a natural haven for Islamic finance across the entire subcontinent.
And now we see Australia getting into the act and changing their legislation to be able to accommodate Islamic finance.
But please do not underestimate plucky little Brunei: issuer of Sukuk and much more. Brunei had never issued conventional debt instruments in the past – but leapfrogged this stage and straight into Islamic debt instruments. That makes Brunei unique in the world – and a real icon for other nations to follow.
The short story is that Asia has everything to play for in this one $1,000 billion dollar industry.
But one of the core lessons that Brunei should take on board is that it must INCLUDE women in the mix. Women have not been well represented in this industry – and here is a chance to right that wrong. Women make up half the population of the earth and have a central role to play. Let’s hope that Asia can show the rest of the world some true leadership style on this front.
Paul McNamara is one of the leading Islamic finance journalists in the world, author or many books and regular feature on the conference circuit from London to Melbourne via Tatarstan, Doha, Dubai, Singapore and Bahrain.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
To Peel or Not to Peel!
Theme: The Art of Appreciation
Destination: Brunei
Title: To peel or not to peel
You cannot not totally immerge yourself into a culture until you show a genuine appreciation of the food, its origin and the art of eating it!
The real Hainan Kopi Tiam that I am accustomed to growing up, produces 3 kind of buns; Big Bao, Char Siew Ba & To Sa Bao (bean curd bun). For your information: 1/ We, The Hainan dialect invented Kopi Tiam, 2/ We, The Hainan invented Bao, not the Shanghainese. In the spirit of focusing on the topic, I digress to discuss any further beyond this mention.
Century old myth will now be confronted head on once and for all; To Peel or Not to Peel.
Why Peel?
No, the Shifu who makes the bread do not use their saliva as part of the ingredient to make the skin of the bun. Even if saliva is part of the ingredient, peeling of the skin will not solve the problem. Not eating the bread entirely, does. Perhaps, that (the chef's saliva) is what makes Pao tastier than the best McDonalds Burger any time of the day.
From a totally non bias point of view, the texture of the bao (skin off) do indeed taste a lot softer and delicate, taking the dining experience to a whole other level. Scientifically, the risk of having heartburn due to indigestion reduces significantly without the skin (just ask Dr. Alan!).
The reason why my view is non bias is that, 1/ it is my blog. 2/ I determine if my view point is bias or not.
Disclaimer #1: I have never eaten a Bao that is not peeled growing up, worrying there some element of spits on the skin. I wish I could I brainwash myself into being a non believer.
Why Not to Peel?
In all fairness towards this sacred topic, I can’t say for my fellow Asians who eat the bao skin on, because I’ve never tried it. The most ridiculous argument I came across on this topic is that, it is good for the environment that you do not waste the skin! Is that all you non peeler could come up with?
Perhaps you have a say to this...
End Notes:
• May be HSBC could sponsor me into further discovery of the truth to the art of peeling, after all it fits perfect with the slogan “the world’s local bank”.
• For those who have no idea what I am ranting about, please come to Brunei! The legendary Hing Nam Foong, 60 years old Kopi Tiam in Kuala Belait (1hour from the Capital city, BSB), makes the best Bao! Mention my name, mention this blog, and get your Bao for free*.
*if it doesn’t work, they do not accept credit card, but at B$0.80 per big Bao, B$0.60 Char Siew Bao and B$0.50 To Sa Bao, you wouldn’t hold my words accountable to this, or would you?
• Disclaimer #2 – Do not ask me how a To Sa Bao tastes. I’ve no idea. I’m a carnivorous. That means, if there’s no meat.... count me out.
• Is there any taker on turning the Bao into the next McDonald’s Dynasty?
I’ve even thought of some cool business names:
o Dragon Bao
o Bao King
o Bao Pah
• This article is NOT inspired by the following sorbent advert, despite of its striking similarlity in the genesis of the thought. I present to you one of my all time favourite ads in Asutralia: here
Friday, June 18, 2010
Launch of THE e-book
There's no greater joy than the delivery of one's new baby. This is probably as close as it comes. Download our new e-book free here!
Here's an unedited Press Release produced by myself:
The first volume of Asia Inc Forum’s ebook series was launched today.
It is a collection of ideas from some of Asia’s most influential network to start a movement; that a better Asia is possible!
The view points from the contributors couldn’t be more diverse, forceful and urgent, especially towards the issue of the Environment.
While each essay reveals a different proposition, the common theme from these authors comes down to: Economic sustainability, Social Responsibilities, and Equal Opportunities. An idealistic endeavor one may argue, but a thought provocative material, non the least.
Full version of Vision for a Better Asia can be downloaded FREE from
Volume 2 of Vision for a better Asia launches mid July, promising more viewpoints and impact as Volume 1 sets the pace. Interested party can send their own view point of no more than 200 words to , with the understanding that the publisher reserve the right of choice for final publication.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Between Courage and Ignorance
As the World’s biggest event kicked off last Friday, we are reminded once again the possibility of the impossible – an African nation hosting the world cup.
We are reminded of the mortality in life, regardless of your age, regardless of your surname (special tribute to Nelson Mandella’s 13 year old great grand daughter, Zenani, who lost her life to a car accident after the pre World Cup concert).
We are also reminded of a better way to settle our differences other than on the warzone (Aka: Football).
Asia, as a country wore Red on Saturday night, as we witnessed the Republic of Korea became the first Asian country to claim three points in this FIFA World Cup after defeating Greece 2-0 in their opener.
Clearly on paper, the Korean team was outsized, and out skilled by European champion of 2004 by any measure. What we lacked was more than compensated with speed, resilience and a pure belief of the world cup spirit; the possibility of the impossible.
The road to winning the World Cup for Asia is at best, long. The very act of putting these two words on the same sentence in the public today commands great courage (resisting being a laughing stock) and ignorance.
Perhaps, these are the exact two words required as the cornerstone to building a better Asia for tomorrow. The courage to dream of the impossible, the ignorance of doing whatever it takes, no matter how difficult. May I also add the wisdom of borrowing the best tools from the West to just do it!
The truth is in you
Vision for a better Asia,
Ideas and Values that shapes our future
If the same question had been asked of Asia’s formidable leaders 50 years ago, I predict the answer would have been Westernization!
Asian pop music that ranks top of the chart often rhymes with R&B influence, quarter length shorts are synonymous with boys and men alike, nevertheless any hangout less than the stature Starbucks is considered uncool.
The future has unfold right before our eyes, which begs of the question; what next?
The underlying question beneath this is, are we happier as a people in Asia?
If yes, the answer seems obvious – more westernization, more materialism.
If not, this platform opens up a big possibility for us to rethink our ideas and values that would truly shape the future of Asia.
The answer is, and has always been, in you.
Philosophy of More or Less
Please join the movement!
Submit to me 5 of your own More or Less principles.
i.e More Something, Less Something.
Theme - Vision for a better Asia:
The philosophy of More or Less
1. More we, less me (another great idea over coffee table, James!)
2. More dreamers, less lawyers
3. More solarium, less petroleum
4. More voice, less noise (My top 5 favorite, from my wise little brother)
5. More health, less wealth (Advise from my dad - if I ever get rich, and become arrogant - slap me!)
6. More imagination, less boundaries
7. More confucianism, less consumerism
8. More Woolong, Less Starbucks
9. More dialogue, less debate
10. More Kung Fu, less violence (inspired by my latest hero, Yip Man)
11. More soft skills, less infrastructures
12. More vegan, less McKFCian
13. More volunteers, less capitalist (tribute to Pastor Alex, CCC)
14. More local heroes, less Hollywood
15. More anonymity, less ego
16. More quality, less quantity (Madam Fox, the old parfume lady I met in Singapore 8 years ago)
17. More originality, less counterfeit (Unitek, unitek, unitek!)
18. More arts, less technology (Teacher Hannah - this is for you!)
19. More equality, less oppression (Isiah 58 - read em, repent!!!)
20. More free speech, less intervention
21. More substance, less style
22. More phone calls, less emails (The simple boy from Ballarat- you know who you are)
23. More tips, less complaints (My beautiful sister)
24. More creation, less memorization (all the students in Asia - you hear me?!)
25. More transparency, less corruption (needless to say)
26. More bottom up, less top down
27. More Bubble Tea, less Coca Cola
28. More action, less intention (Intention does not make a difference, action however small, does!)
29. More forgiveness, compassion and love, less religion (Walk the talk, you know what I mean)
30. More kindness, less hatred
31. More love, less war
32. More green, less grey
33. More truth, less cover-up
34. More friends, less enemies
35. More trees, less buildings
36. More of less, less of more (deep, sophisticated, chim. Johnny Cheah)
37. more strength, less length
38. More awesomeness, less awfulness (Simple, obvious, almost Joey [Friends] but wise. Thanks JordanY
39. More communication, less confusion
40. More organization, less chaos
41. More photography, less photoshop (only from Mixed Media Worx!)
42. More constructive, less destructive
43. More dialogue, less red tape.
44. More attention, less distraction
45. More missionaries, less visionaries (my top 5 list)
46. More deliveries, less promises
47. More action, less drama (I didn't say Korean drama- I really didn't mean Da Chang Kim etc etc, really!)
48. More intelligence, less information
49. More grass roots, less theory
50. More equal opportunity, less nepotism
51. More teacher appreciation, less autocrat worship
52. More first names, less salutations
53. More innovation, less tradition
54. More happyness, less complexity (watch pursuit of happyness, again!)
55. More tolerance, less dispute
56. More equalities, less special rights
57. More integrity, less compromise (yes, to all you grown ups!)
58. More productivity, less protocol
59. More diplomacy, Less war
60. More voices, Less silences
61. More hope, Less fear
62. More appreciating, less needing (Chang Kin Hui,always takin' it to the next level!)
63. More awareness, less doing
64. More contributing, less expecting
65. More energy on what we want, less energy on what we don't have
66. More compassion, less conclusion (Amazing Grace)
67. More character, less race (Judge not by the color of one's skin, but content of one's character MLK)
68. More inclusive, less exclusive
69. More gain, less pain
70. More wit, less trivial
71. More altars, less brothels
72. More acceptance, less rejection
73. More Stephen Chow, Less Stephen King
74. More inspiration, less perspiration
75. More idealism, less pragmatism
76. More empathy, less judgment
77. More Wii Fit, less Final Combat
78. More entrepreneurship, less MNC
79. More Spirituality, less materiality (Check out Shane Clairborne:
80. More family time, less 9-5
81. More altruism, less materialism
82. More collaboration, less solitude
83. More authority, less power (Tony Campolo:
84. More Indomie (Pedas), less Fettuccini (Hands down, no fight)
85. More customer service, less marketing (Tony Hsieh - my business hero -
86. More strolls, less rush (Maki Hoon, my best buddy who walks me every morning)
87. More Zen, less clutter
88. More thoughtful, less boastful (Mum, I'm listening!)
89. More modest, less (lady) Gaga
90. More eye contacts, Less Iphone (Lai Kuan, Chang Yat, Theng, Hong - this is for you)
91. More philanthropy, less catastrophe
92. More stories, less movies
93. More depth, less breadth
94. More innocence, less ignorance
95. More synergy, less individualism
96. More productivity, less formality
97. More coffee, less connectivity
98. More doing, less planning
99. More facial LOL, less finger LOL (don't you just love this Nescafe Ads?!)
100. More testing, less waiting
101. More dreaming, less sleeping (My top 5 -from Jacket Cover of The Big Moo: Seth Godin)
102. More leading, less managing
103. More innovation, less procrastination
104. More objective, less personal
105. More remarkable, less ordinary
106. More play, less work
107. More magician, less accountant (Special dedication to Fern & Fred)
108. More risk, less comfort (my new friend Izan)
109. More humility, less arrogance
110. More anguish, less indifference
111. More personal, less anonymous
112. More meaning, less money
113. More WWF, less WWE (Rubbish, FC)
114. More addition, less division
115. More excellence, less mediocre (
116. More celebration, less contemplation
117. More (creative) chaos, less (organizational) structure
118. More text book, less facebook (Yes, to you too, Lai Kuan, Yat, Hong, Ting)
119. More example, less theory
120. More soul food, less fast food
121. More contentment, less requirements
122. More reflection, less regrets
123. More determination, less reservation
124. More Samba, less penalty (Brazil, Brazil, Brazil!)
125. More transformation, less conformation
126. More influence, less advise (again, walk the talk)
127. More dare, less scare
128. More fair trade, less exploitation
129. More fair trade, less sweat shop (Just [don't] do it!)
130. More walk, less eat
131. More saving, less buying
132. More juice, less fizz
133. More sense, less rubbish (ehem my childhood neighbour)
134. More Heart, less head
135. More leave, less work
136. More truth, less Tiger (my garage sale
137. More Enough, Less Greed
138. More Dalai Lama, Less Wagamama
139. More Admiration, Less Envy
140. More Nasi Lemak, Less McChicken
141. More Living, less passing
142. More Wisdom, Less Wealth
143. More simplicity, less indulgence
144. More snack, less feast
145. More clue, less suspense
146. More reservation, less disappointment
147. More salsa, less pasta (Miss you, Sharon!)
148. More dialogue, less blood (our middle east brothers and sister, listen)
149. More reduction, less consumption
150. More means, less ends
151. More chocolate, less miserable
152. More listening, less arguing
153. More dessert, less stress
154. More genuine, less brilliance (I'd pick a genuine person over a smart one, anytime)
155. More sweat, less eat
156. More giving, less taking (Gwen, great minds think alike)
157. More heart, less intellect
158. More reflection, less regret
159. More personal, less professional
160. More treadmill, less Haagen Daaz
161. More breadtalk, less laptop
162. More Yao Ming, less Shao Lin (You wanna settle it on the court, Fred? ONE on ONE)
163. More Rock, Less Pop
164. More pleasant, less absent
165. More Purple Cow, Less Red Bull
166. More faith, less doubt
167. More BMW, Less WMD
168. More Prius, Less Hummer
169. More Donation, Less addiction
170. More frequent, less pleasure (hehe)
171. More informed, less intuition (everything needs to be measured, you fool)
172. More genuine, less brilliance (Yes, I repeat genuine guy, not smart guy)
173. More authentic, less synthetic (I used to sell shoes)
174. More foresight, less hindsight
175. More incredible, less imaginable
176. More value, less discount
177. More rain, less drought (blessings to my fellow Australian)
178. More Windmill, less oil field
179. More natural, less inplant (this is ingenious, Stuart!)
180. More pray, less wish
181. More export, less import (duh!)
182. More input, less output
183. More significance, less success (again, Tony Campolo - he changed my life)
184. More organic, less chemical (Kong& his Amway Detergent. Did you know it washes vege too?)
185. More windows, less (Please help me with this one)
186. More practice, less theory (I hated school, cos no one invented this principle)
187. More runway, less freeway
188. More vocation, less vacation
189. More poetry, less cruelty (my favorite poet, Rob Bell - google him!)
190. More testimony, less title (I learned to choose testimony. Tony again)
191. More fighter, less wincer
192. More present, less wired (whats the point if you're so near, and yet so far?)
193. More invention, less prevention
194. More slowly, less accident (my very deep thinking from the toilet this morning)
195. More obsession, less possession
196. More Chupa Chup, Less num chuck
197. More Fast Company, Less Fast Vehicles
198. More Kodak Moments, Less Kleenex Moments
199. More precaution, less complication
200. More fun, less nun
201. More considerate, less child-like (Joanne, I'veattained enlightenmen, finally)
202. More listening, less arguing (from my beautiful wife, for very obvious reason)
203. More Real Friends, Less Cool Friends (Don't flatter yourself, Alan not everything is about u;)
204. More bonus, less interest
205. More substance, less gimmick (Read Purple Cow, Seth Godin)
206. More vitamin, less panadol
207. More exercise , less supplement
208. More picture, less lonesome
209. More Obama, less Osama (this is so 2008! I know!)
210. More courage, less afraid
211. More increment, less over time
212 More question, less acceptance
213 More coruptions, less opportunities
214 More credit card, less savings (Cain the Yeo man)
215 More Women, Less Tears (really?!)
216 More 24, less 23 (Kobe, MJ - now this is contraversial)
217 More Peace, Less Shaun (Sadly Tara & Georgia agreed)
218 More facts, less superstition
219 More sweat, less tears
220 More levity, less vanity
221 More Openess, less suspicion (221 - 224 lady G - who's not being open?!)
222 More Friends, Less Woes
223 More understanding, less screaming
224 More kids, less misery
225 More poise (Federer), Less force (Nadal)
226 More gratitude, less complaint (From my wife's Brides Maid)
227 More me time, less you time (226 - 233 Ms. Francine Tu)
228 More green, less burning
229 More Shaun, less tiger (hehe, she [thinks] she knows me so well ;)
230 More money, less tax (the answer is Brunei, come home!)
231 More SK2, less wrinkles (Wrong answer! More Skin Inc, Less Wrinkles)
232 More Dollar Wise, Less Less (--=+)Penny Foolish
233 More wisdom, less wisecracks (233 - 236 By P.McNamara I try to believe #233 is not referring to me)
234 More beauty, less makeup (I swear, my wife looks better without make up)
235 More music, less noise (check out
236 More sharing, less selfishness (Thanks for sharing, Paul)
237 More Volley, Less Rally
238 More Ace, Less Return (work smart, not hard)
239 More deliberate honesty, less philandering... (what the?!)
240 More maid, less appreciation (only in Brunei!)
241 More Vitaworld, Less prescription (Vitaworld: Inspire Living!)
242 More nutrition, less maintenance
243 More deposit, less withdrawal
244 More efficient, less effective
245 More follow up, less losing out
246 More vitamin, less injection
247 More flowers, less heart ache
248 More posession, less gratification
249 More smoke, less baby
250 More control, less loyalty
251 More insurance, less concern
252 More Wit, Less Stiff
253 More exposure, less destitute
254 More Power, Less Love
255 More Love, Less Power
256 More yakult, less constipate
257 More research, Less Assumption
258 More truth, less bull
259 More appreciation, less entitlement
260 More books, less hunger
261 More freedom, less control
262 More prata, less pasta (inspired by Germain's guilt trip ;)
263 More comment, less upload (on Facebook)
264 More teamwork, less loner (264 - 275 Patrick Wong)
265 More Creative less Clueless
266 More Truth, less guilt (how do you know I feel guilty when I lie?)
267 More Real, less fake
268 More proactive, less reactive (Pat is from KB, as you could smell...)
269 More Firm, less coward (he shares sound good values)
270 More Brave, less fear
271 More Recognition, less demotivation
272 More Respect, less stubborn
273 More Fruties, less junkies
274 More Water, less softdrinks (C'mon Pat! My mum jsays the same thing, everyday!)
275 More Support, less Selfish
276 More organic, less fried (Good advise,OnQ)
277 More Drift, Less Swift
278 More MR2, Less Mr. Bean
279 More interest, less effort
280 More kids time, less TV time (Annie Lau - Mom of 2 super gorgeous children)
281 More praising, less sacarsm
288 More Free, Less Charge (Refer to DST, BMobile F.Tu)
289 More parking, less furious
290 More gathering, less isolation (Mission impossible- esp for introvert like me)
291 More fast, less furious
292 More dine-in, less dine out (Did you know its cheaper to dine out in Brunei?)
293 More exercise, less smoking (A.Lau to Kevin)
294 More sexy, less world cup (Top Tip for football widows)
295 More Love, less influence
296 More Shopping, less stress
297 More Exercise, Less Fats
298 More sleep, less worry (thanks Mark!)
299 More Siew Mai, Less nuggets
300 More about less philosophy!
301 More of God, Less of Us (Undisputed #1 contribution of the 300, this is unfair, Alvin!)
302 More kids, less time (my clever cousin Tang)
303 More projects, less time
304 More facebook, less time
305 More relatives, less time
306 More TV, less time
307 More family, less me
308 More botox, less wrinkles
309 More Anita Roddick, Less Andy Roddick
310 More LA, less LV
311 More Cash Flow, Less profit
312 More fruits, less ritual
313 More Simply, Less worldly
314 More Soul, Less Sole
315 More Stable, Less Shuffle
316 More JC, Less MC
317 More Sogua, less Google
318 More Lexus, less ixus
319 More dignity, less charity
320 More liberty, less limitations (320 - 323 Pauline L)
321 More beats, less beatings
322 More hugs, Less bugs
323 More might, less fright
324 More peace, more grumble
325 More breakfast, less supper
326 More MTV, less KTV
327 More GPS, less direction
328 More fit, less obese (A.Lau)
329 More money less freedom (Chris Lau's poem)
330 More freedom, less thinking
331 More thinking, less black hair
332 More black hair, less older
333 More older, less energy
334 More energy, less sleep
335 More sleep, less tire
336 More tire, less communication
337 More communication, less ignore
338 More ignore, less frendship
339 More frendship, less enemy
340 More enemy, less peace
341 More peace, less excitement
342 More excitement, less quiet time
343 More quiet time, less time to sleep
344 More Tofu, Less T-Bone
345 More Sony, less sorry
346 More Theology, Less Technology
347 More Havenly Treasure, less worldly posession
348 More reflexology, less
349 More indication, less interpretation
350 More , less migrain
351 More wasabi, less
352 More fruits, less ritual
353 More , less hypocrete
354 More Kimchi, Less Sushi
355 More fragrance, less
356 More consistency, less surprises
357 More let go, less sorrow (for the broken hearted....try this, it really works!)
358 More pull, less push
359 More affection, less attack
360 More apple, less doctor
361 More institute, less destitute
362 more GPS, less direction
363 More provision, less expectation
364 More love, less control
365 More home, less house
366 More school, less crime
367 More church action, less church building
368 More social justice, less prosperity gospel
369 More sparks, less dark (inspired by Arthur 3.0)
370 More mojos, less mottos (Ming & Carol +puppy + Chloe + Page)
371 More intellect, less air-brain (371 - 377 Brunei's foremost marketing lady, Jennifer Kang)
372 More love, less hate
373 More genuine, less fake
374 More smiles, less frowns
375 More time, less waste
376 More balance, less compulsion
377 More acceptance, less blame (Wo)Man of integrity, Like!)
378 More Humour, less rumour
379 More spark, less mock
380 More Mastery, less geniuses
381 More smiles, less frowns (381 - 386)
382 More omph , less ordinaryness
383 More creativity , less closedness
384 More reasons , less excuses
385 More Virtue, less ego (top 5 favorite)
386 More izanism ,less subjectivity (izanism:-means and turn the impossible to impossible;)
387 More actions, less talks (387 - 391: My childhood idol Soon Loo)
388 More passion, less procrastination
389 More love, less fear
390 More go-do-what-you-really-want-before-you-die, less letting-life-just-passed-you-by
391 More spontaneous-in-the-moment, less in-your-head
392 More cardio, less carbo (Salute to my diabetes gang!)
393 More correlation, less variables
394 More engrossed, less involved (talking about spur of the moment)
395 More true love, less romance
396 More parables, less parallels
397 More Dummies guide, less dummies
398 More Poise, less fury
399 More sincerity, less motive
400 More legacy, less posession
401 More Whales, less whalers (401 - 407 Wade Hughes, author A Curious Secret)
402 More tolerance, less intolerance (Wade can’t tolerate intolerance…????!!!)
403 More constants, less variables
404 More knowledge, less media.
405 More honesty, less corruption.
406 More dolphins less shark fins
407 More Curiosity, Less secretive
408 More Stillness, Less nothing (Jacky Chan, Karate Kid)
409 More Organised Chaos, Less Creative Destruction
410 More genuine, less superficial (410 - 414 David Parker,founder
411 More energy, less complacency
412 More focus, less distraction
413 More heart, less ego
414 More Hope, Less doubt
415 More innovators, less bureaucrats (tribute to the Toilet Man!)
My goal is to reach 1000 principles.
Your input is important to me (us). Who knows where this will take us!
The birth of Vision for a better Asia
I am putting together an e-book for Asia Inc Forum, entitled:
Vision for a better Asia; Ideas & Values that shapes our future.
We are getting together some of Asia's elite to contribute a page each.
In between, the idea of a better Asia got me thinking...
I've just returned to Asia (Brunei), after 8 years of staying in Australia.
There are many things that I have to adjust towards, and have my value reorganised through this period of transition.
In the process, I often find myself in sync with the thoughts below-
"Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not." George Bernard Shaw.
Hence the two recent essays I posted.
Not everyone can make it to my company's ebook (I, for one, cannot) but whats stopping me from posting it on my facebook?
I invite you to send me your thought of a better Asia too!
Cheers matey!
Vision for a better Asia; Ideas & Values that shapes our future.
We are getting together some of Asia's elite to contribute a page each.
In between, the idea of a better Asia got me thinking...
I've just returned to Asia (Brunei), after 8 years of staying in Australia.
There are many things that I have to adjust towards, and have my value reorganised through this period of transition.
In the process, I often find myself in sync with the thoughts below-
"Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not." George Bernard Shaw.
Hence the two recent essays I posted.
Not everyone can make it to my company's ebook (I, for one, cannot) but whats stopping me from posting it on my facebook?
I invite you to send me your thought of a better Asia too!
Cheers matey!
What if...
What if your thought actually matters?
What if the measure of your worth is not by your title or the company you work for, but the content of your characters, through your thoughts. Beyond that, through your action in following through?
What if there is a platform where you can express your own Vision for a better Asia and not be burdened to say things that are politically correct, or ones that would held your job hostage.
The vision for a better Asia is too important a topic to be contained by any organisation, trivial enough not to be an exclusive forum for a select few.
It is a manifesto for every Asian who dare to dream for a better tomorrow, it is a forum for foreigners who care enough about this region to contribute their thoughts.
Vision for a better Asia is an attitude, a lifestyle and a declaration for hope and for practical action.
Imagine a platform that looks forward to your constructive views; imagine a place where people come to draw strength, support and comfort, while others come to reflect and share their idealism.
A forum where the authorities openly turn to, for feedback and for direction.
They say this is idealistic, I say you are not dreaming big enough.
What if it is actually happening before your eyes.
Vision for a better Asia; accepting your ideas now!
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