Friday, June 25, 2010


My first brush with Izan was two years ago, when my excited father stopped my Ipod (no body messes with my Ipod!) and turned on the radio, to show me the new talk show queen in town. I do not quite remember the content, but the experience was surprisingly pleasant. I was impressed with her command of English, her wit and her outspoken nature [Izan did not dissapoint].

My second brush with Izan was outside of my office, where her outlandish hairdo attracted my attention even from miles away. I did not think much of this street kid who wanted to be different, and did not know she was THE Izan, until later that evening when my wife (who works two doors from me) told me about her new friend.

Secretly inside, I doubted if I could ever be friend with this teenager (I later found out she's no spring chicken neither haha!), regardless of Deon’s enthusiasm about her.

The two Izan I met did not connect until much later when I listened to her talk show on Pilihan, again.

To date, Izan and I have had over two meals, several exchanges over the phone and Facebook. When I’m lucky, I get to catch her on the radio, and indulge in her jokes which are often funny by any measure and I must add, ORIGINAL! I have never heard the word “Tapau” on air before, neither have I listened to a DJ making prank call to a groom on his wedding day!

I have a high regard for Izan.

In a country where modesty in public forum is a virtue, it is the exact contrary that brings her to fame. I get to learn a lot more about Izan, and am able validate some of my thoughts about her behaviors and develop empathy for a beautiful soul that is mostly misunderstood.

Strip away the funky hairdo, Izan and I have much in common. Both self professed artists, both rebellious, both have a tendency to speak before we think.

My personal believe is that Brand Izan, if cultivated carefully, could potentially be the Oprah of Brunei. Then again, it is the continuous accidental, unscripted mischief that makes her who she is today. Perhaps brand Izan should best be left untouched, allowing her own evolution to take its cause.

In your very own word, Izan, “I dare you to be who you wanna be!”

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