Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tribute to a Brilliant Kite Man

Uncle Chia Chung Ngee
1950 - 2010

My uncle is a handsome man.

My two cousins are testimony to that my aunt is not too bad neither.

Growing up, uncle and aunt treated all my siblings as their own, because we are about the same age as his two kids. Jern & Farn stayed with their grand parents, while uncle & aunt worked hard to ensure my cousins can afford the best education when they grow up. Jern and Farn shall consider lucky not to endure the strict discipline of my aunt as much as we did. Despite that, it would never deter me from going visiting them; uncle is a brilliant Kite craft man.

Recently, I discovered another hobby uncle and I have in common; our love for dogs. We would exchange notes on our pride and joy for hours. Him on his beloved Liko me, my Maki.

Dog lovers would tell you that the only way for them to give up their dogs is literally, over their dead body. As uncle grew weaker by the day, so did Liko. It came to a point where both the young and old are too much for aunt to handle. It was not until a hand written commandment from uncle that prompted Jern to send Liko off. The decision must have pierced the family's hearts like a needle.

Uncle and aunt delivered the most beautiful soap opera before my eyes, as I quietly watched true love exercised through much kindled care (of my aunt) to a man who barely looked half as beautiful as he once did. And my uncle gave up his much precious “other son” in order for relieve some of aunt’s burden. The story was to be perfected by Jern's full obedience to act on Uncle's wish against every wish in his bone.

Uncle left behind a few wishes: for Jern & Farn to believe in God, stay humble and take good care of mummy. There is no doubt in the world that they will deliver the latter. But if could speak on his behalf, what uncle was really asking, would have been for Jern & Farn to believe in God not only because of eternal life, but be able to find replacement in him through the living heavenly father.

End Note:

I delivered the story of True Love in my eulogy at the funeral yesterday morning. One that remotely resembles the typical romance you imagine. One that holds on to you, despite the fact that you are no longer attractive. One who cleans up after you, when you are no longer able to relief yourself. One who stands by you, no matter how tempermental, how unreasonable you are.

That morning, I wished my Cousin Ai Ai,to be able to find true love the way my uncle and aunt found each other.

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